Stereoplasm – Scaredy Cats

{undercover review of own purchase}⁠

with falloween (a portmanteau of fall and halloween) right around the corner, i've decided to dedicate the entire halloween month to everything sinister and spooky... and this weekend, i'm just 'feline' it!⁠
to complement yesterday's wax melt, i decided to go for «Scaredy Cats» from Stereoplasm, a perfume evocative of a playful kitty burrowed under a heap of marshmallows and sugar cookies, with only the tips of its ears visible.⁠
this had been somewhat underwhelming when it first arrived in the mail, but after more than a year of resting, it's really opened up into an amazingly fun marshmallow gourmand.⁠
the first sniffs of «Scaredy Cats» are almost exclusively delectable toasted marshmallows and powdered sugar, with a richly-buttery cookie component emerging after a few minutes of wear.⁠
the gourmand elements are rounded off beautifully with a smooth candle wax, and brought to life with a light touch of campfire smoke.⁠
to me, «Scaredy Cats» has masterfully captured and distilled the fun of teenagers out camping on their own, roasting marshmallows over an open fire without a care in the world.⁠
i love this one so much that i currently own two full-sizes and a half; it's perfect as a sleep scent, for fun, relaxing or just to add a dash of youthful exuberance to just about any occasion.⁠
plus, it's one of my favourite display bottles, with the label featuring the most adorable silhouette of a startled kitty with its back arched. sometimes i think that i can almost hear it yowling!⁠
🌸 flower resin tray by local Singapore artist on Instagram.⁠
📝 official notes: "sheet white marshmallow, midnight sugar cookies and an extinguished candle."⁠

for more reviews of Stereoplasm, click here.

for more reviews of, click here.

Stereoplasm's website can be found here (non-affiliated link).

all information correct at time of publishing.
