Sucreabeille – I Put A Spell On You

{undercover review of own purchase}⁠

with falloween (a portmanteau of fall and halloween) right around the corner, i've decided to dedicate the entire halloween month to everything sinister and spooky. the next few days are going to be wonderfully witchy, with a lineup of my favourite sorcerous scents!⁠

now, those of you who know me well enough would grin and nod knowingly when i say that i'm an absolute monster when it comes to spelling.⁠
call it a gift, call it a curse; but if there's just one letter missing or a double space where there shouldn't be, i would be on it immediately like a hawk.⁠
it's also partly why the name of today's scent never fails to bring a smile to my face, even though it involves a different kind of spell(ing).⁠
presenting «I Put A Spell On You» by Sucreabeille, a perfume inspired by Winifred Sanderson's performance at Old Town Hall.⁠
i usually enjoy scents that morph on my skin, but this is one of those that i adore for its simplicity and stability.⁠
in the bottle and on application, this is a fantastically decadent herb-infused honey with sweet elderberry.⁠
over the course of its wear, a touch of earthy woodiness from the myrrh and a sprinkling of sulphurous smoke from the gunpowder provide wonderful complementary contrasts that amplify the rich sweetness.⁠
perhaps there's really something magical brewing behind the scenes here, but «I Put A Spell On You» is truly a bewitchingly beautiful experience.⁠
it's easily one of the top ten fragrances in my collection, a firm favourite and a comfort pick for almost any occasion.⁠
📝 official notes: "red musk and elderberry, cloves, myrrh, and clary sage, gunpowder soaked in honey."⁠


for more reviews of Sucreabeille, click here.

Sucreabeille's website can be found here (non-affiliated link).

all information correct at time of publishing.
