The Little Book Eater – Practical Magic

{undercover review of own purchase}⁠

with falloween (a portmanteau of fall and halloween) right around the corner, i've decided to dedicate the entire halloween month to everything sinister and spooky. the next few days are going to be wonderfully witchy, with a lineup of my favourite sorcerous scents!⁠
sometimes we view magic as something theoretical, a product of imaginative fantasy that is unattainable by mere mortals. we conjure up wild ideas of submitting the elements to our will, be it manipulating water, controlling fire or moving the very earth beneath our feet.

but magic doesn't have to be extreme in its display or scale to excite wonder in a person; sometimes, the greatest meaning comes from the smallest things with the most practical application.

and «Practical Magic» by The Little Book Eater is one such example of an alchemistic marvel in real life.

inspired by Alice Hoffman's novel of the same name, The Little Book Eater has this memorable quote that exemplifies its inspiration:

“there are some things, after all, that Sally Owens knows for certain: always throw spilled salt over your left shoulder. keep rosemary by your garden gate. add pepper to your mashed potatoes. plant roses and lavender, for luck. fall in love whenever you can.”
— from Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman.

«Practical Magic» is a calming blend of sweet rose, herbaceous lavender, soft amber and gentle musk. for me, this is truly practical magic in a bottle, a potion that brings peace and comfort when it's needed most.

📝 official notes: "fresh cut roses. lavender. amber & musk."⁠


for more reviews of The Little Book Eater, click here.

The Little Book Eater's Etsy store can be found here (non-affiliated link).

all information correct at time of publishing.
